Monday, January 31, 2011

CNY is cumin!!!

CNY is cumin!!!wuhoo~
last fri onwards, i was busy helping my mum to do CNY's stuffs. Buying vege, meats, rice, soft drinks, biscuits, house decoration stuffs bla bla bla....until today, my mum still keep going in and out because of these...

this CNY, my aunties and uncles are coming back from johor and singapore, with my cousins of course, so my house gonna be sardine soon. because of them, we have to buy rice!!!wow, sounds big matter in my house cause my mum never and ever buy rice since i think half year to 1 year ago....HAHA....cause my house seldom cook especially RICE!!!!LOL

     soft drinks



This year, my mum and I decided to have a fake flower as decoration rather than real we are using this...

this...(made by me)
and this...
chiang chiang~this is finally wat it looks like...

i am enjoy to prepare those stuff...BUT, bad news here....i have to finish my homework--business law tutorial presentation, article review and FAF tutorials...wuwu~T.T


Friday, January 14, 2011

Ice breaking

This is the 1st time I have been involved in orentation as helper. Actually is QQ invited us, but we were willing also la...since kelly,QQ,vicky and I can be sakai if we do it together.BUT..... few days before, QQ said she quit and I replaced her as the game master and kelly wouldn't back so early, so left vicky and I. T.T

There were lots of meetings and trials before that, it's boring!!!
Everytime also wait wait wait during the discussions because the assistance of the ice breaking master had to discuss with different game station one by one...most of the time our station is no problem but we still have to attend the meeting and wait wait wait. ARGH!!!
**this all have to say thanks to QQ and kelly because they quit. QQ: you cheated on my trust on you, LOL you said it's fun!!!(i'm not really angry on you two, don't think too much ya...haha)

today is the actual day of the ice breaking, it's so torment to wake up at 5.30am (Wakao, i never wake up at such time after secondary school!!!) after reaching the sport complex only those commitees realised they didn't bring the material we need at the vicky and i have to cut straw in the early morning. Haiz~ (purposely wake up so early to cut straw...=.=)

after settle, we had the breakfast of nasi lemak and tesco choice chocomalt (of course i didn't drink that!) The game started at 8am and we ended at around the middle i was like a recorder--keep on giving the same intruction for each group...
**instruction: guys, plz line up in 2 column facing me according your teams. In this game, you have to be hand in hand with your team members. without letting go of your hand, you have to pass through the hula hoop from the 1st until the last person. After the hula hoop finished, the 1st person may start of passing the rubber band using the straw given. In case the rubber band drop off half way, you have to start again from the 1st person.Last person plz hold the rubber band, we may count how many you get later. Collect as much rubber band as you can and that group will be the winner.understand?**(boring rite???)

to make it more fun, i went and disturbed the members, like making the sound of kissing when they were passing the rubber or ask them questions---what's your name???where you come from???got girlfren a???you veli handsome o~bla bla bla.....

after ceremony of giving prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd group, we cleaned up everything and went back with a free lunch box.

I slept from 1pm-8pm after back home, just like dead or now, i am tired, keep on yawning but cannot sleep, maybe result of sleeping too much...LOL

Monday, January 3, 2011




Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2th Aniversary!!!

昨天是12月31日,BG 有一个倒数嘉年华,他是主席所以我也过去了。。。
一路上,他都一直接电话,看起来好烦哦~ 所以我一直到那里都没出声。。。

到那里,他就把车停在市议会放了cone的范围,我想是因为他是主席才可以停那边吧。他没说什么就下车了,我也不知道怎么办。。。我就关掉引擎,把礼蓝拿下车,当帮忙吧!之后就一直坐在车上了。。。看着他忙来忙去的,我又帮不上什么忙,我好无奈、好不知所措哦!坐着坐着没事做,我就想去附近的guardian 逛逛。。。突然一个不知哪里冒出来的MDKB的人 骑着摩托 跟我说:Sini tak boleh park la, itu sebab kami cone di sini!!! 我说:Pengerusi pun tak boleh a?!!! 他竟然答:ITU JUGA!!!! 我超不爽的!!! 立刻上车把车驾走了,那是超多车,就随便停在一个地方。。。不知为什么,我的眼泪流下来了~ 我忍住,不让自己稀里哗啦得哭出来,但眼睛还是红了,我就在车上等,等眼睛没红再下车。他打来,过来了。问我什么事,我就告诉他。

载我回他家冲凉之后,我们又回去了。无聊的我坐在路边,玩手机、玩相机,要解闷就是了。辉拿了一包炒米粉和美禄给我,他也买了个汉堡给我。我知道他也有在意我,想陪我。又再次的等等等。。。我决定走去Guardian逛逛,看看需要买些什么,这总比坐路边等好吧?! 八点多我就回去,和辉卖glowing stick, snow spray,和那些庆祝或派对用的东西。。。(没什么生意,那里的人真得很吝啬,听到要钱的就走了,才几块钱都不肯花)


本来我还因为今天买了个相机,想和他拍一张照片,后面是烟花的。毕竟是二周年嘛!!! 我那天早上还特地研究怎么连拍,要拍哪一个角度才看到烟花。不过,唉~  他要在台前代表倒数,觉得他也不能和我拍照吧! 我就想:拍他倒数也好吧~ 不过我连找个位子站也没有。。。我就一直坐在那里,等了一天的东西也得不到。唉~ 算吧。。。他之后找到了我,那时的我也没心情了。

等一切完了,又不知为什么,我又好想哭哦~ 又流了几滴眼泪。。。是因为他没陪我吗? 把我落下吗? 我不知道。。。


1月1日,我还以为能单独去逛逛街,看看戏,拍拍托。但是。。。唉~ 算了吧~

Merry Christmas!!!


四点多---竟然看完了!!!  他才打来。。。
