Friday, July 31, 2009

happy happy...

I get my midterm result in public speaking today.i get 29/30, so happy...i never aspect this such high mark because there are still many classmates stronger than me....however, i am happy and satisfy with that...So far, i feel that public speaking is the easiest paper in midterm and computer studies is the hardest(so many things to memorise like history)...wuwu~some more next tues night will be the english test, i have no idea of what to study and it is the subject i have the less confidence to do it well...what can i do is just pray for it...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

nearly finish mid term...

haiz...finally finished the mid term test, now just left math test 2 and english test...i am so worry about the english test since my english so poor some more have vocabulary in it, i have to convert it into another word...scare cannot score la...wuwu~
Although 70% of the mid term test are done,but still cannot take rest and relax.There is still a talk show waiting for me...last week, we just formed our group, consists of chun way, kar sin(mr confuse), tung yen and the group leader is gary, so i am the only girl in the group.when we discussing what the topic to choose, these guys really can't tahan la...(whole brain full of 'yellow' things) maybe i can be considerate because they are guys ma...haha...what the hell they choosed the 'pornography' as topic and tung yen and me have to be the porn movie star (so embarassing...)Think also know that topic so super sensitive la, how can score with that topic! Even worse, before this, they choosed rape as topic and i be the victim, stand up to say the feeling (OS:where got the rape victim willing to come out and say out the feeling aloud?! so 'special')If you are the tutor, will you give high marks to such group with that kind of topic? That's why i not really agree with that topic....
Finally, we had change our topic to plastic surgery, that's sound much better right?I think so...and, my senior told me never try to do sensitive topic or else you will get low marks, and he said there was a group in his class did plastic surgery and get the highest mark...i am not sure that whether i can get the highest mark or not unless not the lowest mark...we draw lots before and we are the 3rd group to present,that's after min zhi's group.scare stress...he's too geng...hope my group can do it well la...good luck to me~lucky~

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


这是一个真实的故事……一天一个男孩送给他的女朋友一台汉显传呼机,温柔的对她说:"我以后再也不怕找不到你了。"女孩调皮的说:"如果我离开这座城市,你就呼不到我了。"男孩得意的摇摇头:"我可是办了漫游的,无论你走到哪里我都会呼到你"女孩问他的传呼号是什么,男孩说:"这是爱情专线,号码不公开。"从此女孩每天都把它带在身边,一刻也不离开。在一个阳光明媚,让人有一份好的不得了的心情的周末,女孩只留了一张字条给父母,坐上汽车奔向邻近的县城游玩,但是没有人知道女孩正走向一场灾难。女孩县城玩了一天,拖着沉沉的脚步找到一间带淋浴的小旅馆。一走进房间,女孩迫不及待的走进浴室,想洗去一身的疲惫。当女孩正准备脱衣服的时候,脚下一阵晃动,她急忙扶住一根铁管,心想错觉吗?但是当第二次晃动,女孩知道这不是错觉。跟随第二次的晃动中还带有急促和沉闷的断裂声,女孩的全身开始颤栗,她知道可怕的地震来了,随! 着第三第四次的更加猛烈的震动,无边的黑暗和无边的恐惧把女孩紧紧的包裹起来女孩象一只受伤的野兽,拼命的放声号叫,拼命的拍打、撕咬浴室的门板。然而一切都是徒劳,女孩无力的蜷缩在阴凉冷漠的地上。不知过了多久,忽然腰间一阵颤动,是呼机。女孩匆匆的摘下它,在黑暗中摸索着按到了键子,即看到了绿色的光芒:"林先生请你七点钟到老地方见面。"读着这句话,女孩的泪水又一次涌出来,滑过嘴角。咸咸涩涩的。想着电话那边的他,女孩又再一次尝试着走出困境,但是是再一次的徒劳与绝望。女孩跌坐在地上,把自己缩成一团,眼睛盯着呼机的屏幕。不知过了多久,女孩睡着了,又不知过了多久,呼机再一次在女孩的手中颤动了:"林先生问你在哪里,请速回电话。"女孩再一次的流下眼泪,我想告诉你我在哪里,但是我办不到啊。渐渐的女孩平静了下来,面对无法挽回的死亡,女孩不知道自己还能做什么。 呼机第三次震动:"去了你家,看到你留下的字条,请火速回家。"女孩的心又开始躁动。呼机第四震动:"我听到广播,知道你那里发生了什么,相信你此时正拿着呼机读我的话,我们很快会见面的。"似乎有一缕曙光在女孩的眼前闪过。女孩期待呼? 谖宕蔚恼鸲?BR>,此时的呼机成了他生命唯一的寄托。时间一分一秒的过去了,呼机象一个疲惫的孩子一样睡着了。终于第五次的震动来了:"我去找你,车不通,想尽各种办法,还是无功而返。我相信你不会出问题的,你是一个聪明又好运的女孩。我等待你的归来!"第六次,第七次。。。。女孩在男孩一次又一次的传呼中度过了一个又一个恐惧与绝望的时刻,不知不觉已经两天两夜了。死亡的阴影越来越紧的箍住女孩的全身,仿佛看到自己体内的鲜血和肌肉正被一条黑色的巨蛇一口一口贪婪的吞噬。女孩觉得自己快不行了,连哭泣的力量都没有了,她的思想开始混乱,感觉自己正在往下沉,就在沉到底的时候,呼机第三十八次,也许第四十八次,五十八次震动起来,那震动象磁铁一样,牢牢的吸住了女孩体内残余的所有能量:"我们什么时候结婚?举行哪些仪式?从现在开始我们分别设想一下,日后评出最佳方案。"结婚,婚礼,实在是太诱人了,女孩陷入了遐想之中。海底婚礼,象鱼一样自由自在穿梭在海洋世界;跳伞婚礼,与白云并肩飞在空中……女孩再一次振作起来,是啊,人生那么美好,又有多少美好的人生的等着我呢。第六十次,第六十一次。……男孩! 一次又一次的向女孩传呼,一次又一次的给女孩 注入生命的活力;一次又一次的把女孩的生存信念从崩溃的边缘拉回来……度过了漫长的四个昼夜,女孩获救了。当他看到男孩惨白的脸,火一样的眼睛,一下子明白了世间最为珍贵的就是爱。女孩在担架上轻轻的拉着男孩的手,柔柔的说:"我是你今生的新娘"。活着让你好好爱我!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Touching story...

I have been touched by a real story told by my lecturer, ms Chan...
There was a woman who had a happy and perfect family with her husband and a 3 years old daughter...
One day, she found that she had a cancer, the doctor said it's cannot be cured and she will die one day, then she asked her husband not to tell her daughter about that but then she had to stay in hospital all the time...
Everyday, her husband will bring the daughter to visit her mum and play with her to have fun time.When they are on the way, the husband will give a call to her,"Dear, we are on the way."
Then the woman just get up with her pale face and tired body. She called the nurses to make up for her, took off the patient clothes and dressed nicely, as pretty as she can to meet with her lovely daughter.They will play around the hospital, chit-chatting, having fun with that since the daughter don't know what is hospital and what is it for.She just think that it is the place for her to play and having fun with her mum....
This is going on everyday again and again until her doctor said :"Can you stop doing that?! Your body is becoming weaker and weaker, you're using all your energy for that or else you cannot life long with that.""No, I will continue do that, please help me."she said.The nurses and doctor now only realise how much she love her daughter and don't want her daughter being hurt.Whenever she is playing with her daughter around the hospital, the nurses cannot even smile since she is sacrifying her own to make her daughter happy.
Until one day, she had no more energy to play with her daughter anymore or even can't get up from the bed.When her daughter came, she said: "My dear, mummy is very tired, want to sleep, can you play for your own with big brothers and sisters outside?" The daughter said:"okay, mum." Then she just went out and start jumping here and there to have fun. Her mum is then took her last breathe and passed away...
Now, the little girl is grown up to about 16 years old. Whenever she is been asking:"Where is your mum?" She will answer :"Mummy is very tired, she is sleeping now." After she answered it, she will always turn back and cry since it is the last word that her mother left to her...
so touching right? I feel so... don't know what you all feel to it...

Friday, July 10, 2009

"loh kah ying"

This is first time I have my own blog...
don't know what to write or share with you all...
Today, I finally finished my 5 minutes presentation.Actually the presentation is started two weeks ago, since I am the last one, so I just finished today, already scare about 2 weeks about this...And, all of this is our class rep,tom yam's fault, because before this our tutor is Ms Anulia, quite a good tutor.She asked tom yam whether want to do the presentation by following the name list or draw lots.When he knew that he will enter the 1st group if follow the name list so he said draw lots.Then I become the last one already, actually I am the 1st if following the name list...haih...
A weeks ago, our public speaking tutor is changed to Mr Chee...OMG! If you want me to define how he looks like, I would like to say he looks like "loh kah ying",'s not bad enough,but the even worse...he so straight to us, he wanted us to do hardcopy for presentation for him, don't know whether is he don't know what are we talking about or just give marks from the outline...haiz...
Maybe you all don't know how big is my cue card, it's even smaller than half of my palm and is just 1 piece.When I finished presenting my topic, that "loh kah ying" 's comment to me is "TOO MUCH READING FROM CUE CARDS!", my respone is just "ha?" At that time, I really want to punch him or throw my shoes to him...damn...Anyway, it's over already.
Say truly, I really scare when I presenting my topic.When the classmates before me presenting, all just noisy and kacau sahaja.When it's my turn, suddenly all quiet and looks so attention to my speech...hey, guys, so scary la...don't be like this, please...